Home loan

The home lending service allows members of the University Community to borrow books and other documents outside the library premises for consultation and study. For its regulation, the Library Regulations include a normative annex on the Lending Regulations, which establishes the classification of documents, users and temporary extension of the loan.

The regulations seek to facilitate the use of the documentary collections outside the Library’s premises and at times when it is not open to the public, allowing users to have access to a certain number of documents for a certain period of time, provided that they are available and the necessary requirements are met. Likewise, the aim is to ensure the availability and conservation of the documentary collections, with the greatest possible guarantees.

The loan of the bibliographic and documentary collections belonging to the UMH may be carried out from any of the library service points, regardless of the location of the document and the user. Similarly, the return of borrowed documents may be made at any of the UMH libraries. However, the loan of materials between libraries located at different sites, or Intercampus Loan, may not be effective immediately, as it will be subject to the transport of the same between the two centres.

To renew loans from the DAMA catalogue you must identify yourself as a UMH user, go to My user file/loans tab and then click on renew pending loans.

As a summary of the regulations, the following maximum loan periods are established, renewable if there are no reservations, depending on the type of document:


User profile Documents Period
PDI, PI, heads of service… 50
  • Short: 15 days
  • Long: 1 month
  • Preferred: 5 años
PDI (part-time), PAS… 15
  • Short: 15 días
  • Long: 1 month
  • Preferred: 5 years
Students, trainees… 5
  • Short: 2 days
  • Long: 7 days
Students from non-official
or associated centres, guests
associated centres, guests…
  • Short: 2 days
  • Long: 7 days


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