Quality Policy

According to the internal regulations of the Library of the University Miguel Hernandez, “The library’s main objective is the dissemination and ensuring access for the entire university community, information and documentation necessary for the development of the study, teaching, research, cultural outreach and other activities necessary to achieve the objectives of the University. it also will ensure the formation of the Community in the use of these information resources and cooperate in processes of knowledge creation, for what have the means and tools necessary for such purposes. “

This mission and vision of the service involves, above all, the development of activities with a clear vocation of service to the user that engages all its activities and is at the root of the library profession.

Therefore, the Library seeks, by its very nature, continuous improvement in its activities and excellence in service, with the aim of the user, its rationale, meet your needs beyond their expectations.

Thus, the library adopts a quality management system that is based, like the rest of the UMH, in the EFQM model, which has led the university to obtain and renew the European Seal of Excellence 500+ for its System Management, awarded by AENOR (Spanish Association for Standardization and Certification), by granting the Management Excellence Club.

This quality management system is structured around two basic documents: Quality Plan III and, within it, to the field of management and with a view to developing the Master Plan III.

To ensure the quality of the different services, and emanating from both plans, the Library signed each year the Pact for Quality and agrees to comply with set indicators, while his commitment to the University Community specified in its Charter Services.

