Access to the collections

The UMH Library is responsible for the management of the University’s bibliographic collections, regardless of their origin, as well as the development of the collections, in accordance with the lines of study, teaching and research maintained by the University. To this end, it has a collection characterised by its diversity, accessibility and adaptation to the needs of the University Community, which participates directly in its formation.

To ensure general access to the collection, preference has been given to electronic resources, especially journals and serial publications, but without neglecting the paper collection, which currently has a collection of more than 170,000 monographs, of which one third are electronic books, plus 8,500 journal titles received, as well as online access to nearly 25,000 titles.

Our users participate in the creation of this collection through the recommended bibliography acquisition procedure, the acquisition of specific work and research funds and desiderata, or purchase requests.

There are two ways of accessing the collection: through our DAMA catalogue (which allows searches to be carried out in all the collections and access to both physical and electronic resources) and from the publishers’ own platforms

It is also possible to search through specific catalogues, such as:

If you need… Search in…
Artícles of magazines
Reference works
Maps and plans
Electrónic Magazines
Printed magazines
Doctoral Theses read at the Miguel Hernández University
  • End of course papers and dissertations  read at Miguel Hernández University.
  • End of Degree Jobs (TFG) and  End of Master Jobs(TFM)
Doctoral Theses read in  other Universities
Vídeos and DVDs
