FAQS e-Resources
1. What kind of electronic resources does the Library offer?
We can find dictionaries, encyclopedias, databases, electronic books, journals, doctoral theses, etc.
2. How do I access the Library’s e-resources?
Access to all the Library’s resources is through our DAMA search engine, which will locate these resources in a single, simple search, similar to Internet search engines such as Google. You can access Dama from the Library’s website or by entering dama.umh.es in your browser.
3. Do I need to log in to access all e-resources?
To access electronic resources with restricted access or subscribed by the Library, it is necessary to identify yourself in DAMA with your UHM user credentials.
4. Who has access to e-resources?
Some of the e-resources have been acquired by the library through subscription, so access to their contents is only allowed to members of the university community. However, we also have other open access e-resources for whose consultation it is not necessary to belong to the university community.
5. Can I access the e-resources subscribed by the Library from outside the University?
Yes, through DAMA, identifying yourself with your UMH institutional credentials.
6. How can I know if a magazine or a book is in electronic format?
Our DAMA search engine should display “Available online”.
7. How can I search for a specific magazine?
DAMA’s journal search engine allows you to search by ISSN or journal title.
8. How can I locate a journal article?
Articles are searched in DAMA, in the journal repository Dialnet, in the journal abstracts, or within each of the e-journals subscribed by the UMH Library.
9. Can I know which journals are available on a certain subject?
Yes, you can search DAMA for magazines by subject category.
10. Does the Library have any electronic journals in Spanish?
Yes, we have several collections of e-journals in Spanish, especially in the Humanities and Social Sciences.
11. Can I know what databases we have on a subject?
Yes, you can search DAMA databases by category.
12. I found the e-zine I am interested in in DAMA, but there are different links, which one should I use?
Electronic access to a title is often available through different portals. Choose the one that fits the funds you want, or the one you are most familiar with using.
13. When I try to enter a database or an e-magazine I get a message saying that access is limited, what is happening?
Access to certain databases or e-journals is limited to a certain number of users and we cannot connect more users at the same time. It may also happen that someone has connected and has not logged out. In these cases you will have to wait some time to be able to connect. Inactive sessions will be automatically disconnected.
14. Can I download a complete e-book?
Complete books cannot be downloaded, although they can always be viewed online using the viewers incorporated in the e-book platforms. Some of these platforms also have their own programs that allow you to download for a certain period of time and view the book offline.
15. What do I do if I cannot access the full text of an electronic journal or an electronic resource (database, e-book, etc.) is not working?
Contact the e-journal, database and e-book consulting, queries and incident service by e-mail:
For more information, please consult our bibliography Catalog and e-resources.