English – Spanish Language Exchange at BiblioLab_Creativo

28 February 2025

Language Exchange is an informal way of practising or improving languages you already know or are learning. It is a perfect complement to language learning.

This activity is an instrument offered by the Library to facilitate communication between Spanish and foreign university students, or any other interested person, belonging to the university community or outside it, in order to promote cultural and linguistic exchange.

The purpose is to maintain an interaction that allows them to improve their communication skills and/or broaden their knowledge of the language, society and culture of the country to which they belong.

Characteristics of the activity:
It is free of charge.
Modality: Face-to-face.
Conversation groups: those interested are organised into groups according to their level in the practice of the language.
Indicative levels: basic, intermediate and advanced.
Target group: students, administrative and service staff, teaching and research staff and any interested member of the public.
Frequency: once a week.
Flexible schedule: within the established schedule, from 18:00 h to 20:00 h, you can join the activity at the time of your choice, the coordinator will assign you to a group, and you can leave the activity before it ends.
Place: BiblioLab_Creativo (1st floor of the Altea Library).