User service (PAS, PDI, students, etc.)


Service Institutional e-mail
Suggestion box
Services for the subsidisation of articles OA
Services for researchers: Consultations and advice,  presentation of six-year periods, research evaluations, etc.
Open Access Advice, Institutional Repository “RediUMH” and Intellectual Property: Doubts, incidents, queries…
UMH electronic publishing house: Advice, queries, incidents, doubts, etc. on e-book publishing at UMH
Curriculum Manager for PDI and researchers -EAITT Libraries. Sending of curriculum vitae through the computer application, to be validated in the library and according to regulations.
Interlibrary Loan: Advice, queries, incidents, doubts…
Advice on queries and incidents in e-journals and databases : Incidents, problems, queries, etc. on all e-resources, including the Dama browser
Advice on how to purchase through DAMA the recommended and basic bibliography included in the teaching guide.