Approval of the BUVAL Consortium lending regulations

10 May 2023

The five university libraries that make up the BUVAL Consortium – the libraries of the Universitat de València, the Universitat Politècnica de València, the Universitat de Alicante, the Universitat Jaume I, and the Universitat Miguel Hernández – have approved the document lending regulations that will allow their users to borrow documents from any of the Consortium’s libraries.

This service, which is completely free of charge, can be used by teaching and research staff of BUVAL universities (PDI), administrative and service staff of BUVAL universities (PAS) and undergraduate and postgraduate students, masters and doctoral students of BUVAL universities.

BUVAL loan users may request up to 5 documents on loan for a period of 15 days. In addition, loans may be renewed up to 6 times or for a maximum period of 3 months, provided that they have not been reserved by another user and that the renewal is made within the loan period.

To request a loan, users must first identify themselves in accordance with their library’s regulations, and then go in person to any BUVAL library to make the loans. Documents may be returned to the borrowing library or to any BUVAL library.

Likewise, the regulations regulate interlibrary loan, which includes the request of original documents and/or their reproduction, and wich will be free of charge between BUVAL libraries.

This service has two main objectives: on the one hand, to maximise the use of the bibliographic collections of the participating institutions, and on the other hand, to facilitate the circulation of the collections, simplifying administrative and economic procedures. The service will start operating on March 21, 2023.Biblioteca Universitas Miguel Hernández